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The toddler/preschool stage of a child’s development is important as young brains grasp concepts that lay the foundations for future learning. Curiosity soars. Mobility and independence increase, as well as language and the ability to understand social cues.

Fun Fact: Large muscles develop before small muscles which is why holding a pencil comes after learning to run.

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$ 3.99

Melissa & Doug Color-A-Mats and Write-A-Mats

Add a dash of educational excitement to mealtime! This double-sided write-on, wipe-off placemat features education parents love and images kids love! Kids can trace plus color images.
It's perfect for travel, restaurants, waiting rooms - Anywhere!


  • Write-on wipe-off alphabet placemat
  • Encourages letter-learning, writing skills, creativity
  • Features illustrations to put each letter into context
  • Measures 17.25 x 11.25 inches
  • Includes one placemat - Writing/coloring utensils not included
  • Quality materials - Lasting durability

    • $ 8.99
      Rhinoceroses are large, heavy-hoofed animals. Their horns are not made of bone, but out of a material similar to that of our finger nails and hair.

      The rhinoceros is a huge animal with fearsome horns. Nevertheless, it is a passionate herbivore. With the horns, it defends itself against hyenas, fights against rivals or digs up tasty roots. Although the skin of the rhino looks very thick, it is actually very thin and delicate, just like the skin of elephants. To cool off and avoid sunburn, it wallows in the mud. You often see small birds on rhinos, hopping around and pecking. They free the rhinos of annoying parasites. 

      The horn of a rhinoceros can grow to up to 1.5 metres in length.
      $ 5.99

      Smart Toys & Games SmartMax My First Animals

      SmartMax animals is designed for kids ages 1- 5 years, offering an early, safe, and fun introduction to magnetic discovery. Compatible with all other SmartMax pieces.

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